Melanissa's Dark Little Corner
Welcome to Melanissa's Dark Little Corner! Here, you can view some of my artwork and have fun making fun of it! ^.~
Click on the topic that you are most interested in or just feel free to browse around.
Anime - Anime artwork!
Dragons - Dragon drawings!
Other - The stuff that doesn't quite fit into a catagory.
Fanart - Artwork by others!
Shoutings - Poems, short stories, and other thoughts!
Links - Some of my favorite links!
About Me - All the stuff you never wanted to know!
3/11/04: I would just like to say that after almost two years of art school, coming back here and looking at my old stuff just makes me want to cringe! So, I can tell you right now that if I ever get this site updated again, expect A LOT of stuff to be dropped and a lot of much much MUCH better stuff added. Yay.
8/16/03: Ooooooooooooookay..... perhaps it'll be a little more than a month before the update.... :::sheepish grin:::. But I'm going to go draw right now!! Yep, here I go.... going to draw.... right after I check out this other site over here.........
5/30/03: HOLY CRUD-MONKEYS!!! AN UPDATE!!!!!!!!!!! Amazing isn't it? Well, not too much of an update I'm afraid, just a little something to tell you guys that still hang out here waiting for something what I'm doing. First of all, the reason I haven't been updating for a while is because I started college, which was a little jolting at first, but now I think that I'm ready to get back to work on the site. Here's what you can expect hopefully within the next month:
So, those are my plans; like I said, I hope to go through with them within the next month or so. So stay tuned!!
- Expect a slight change in style. Considering I'm soon to be in my forth quarter of art school, I hope that my classes have improved my artwork (if not, I'm paying a butt-load of money for useless classes).
- I have decided to do a web comic! In case you have been following, I ran a poll to see what the viewers would like to see me do. Thank you to the 21 people who actually responded. ::sigh:: Anyway, I used my idea of the fantasy/action storyline that I had for a project in my script writing class so I've developed it quite a bit and now I just CAN'T get it out of my head! So I've decided that it will be done! One day. I hope. Ahem... moving on...
- I'm planning on adding a new section that should be quite humorous entitled, "You Know You Go to an Art School When..." We'll see how that works out.
9/21/02: Not much of an update. Just a few new links to the places I stalk the most. And a new poll. Now this is something I've been thinking about for a long time but I haven't really been able to decide what to do. This is where you guys come in. I need your help to decide whether or not to do my own online manga. Now I have two very different but well-thought out storylines running through my head, but I know I can't do both... one is probably gonna be a stretch already. So, if you are at all interested in seeing a manga done by your's truly, then please take two seconds to vote and tell me! Thank you!! Your manga choices are:
I know, I know... vagueness sucks doesn't it? Well, I don't want to give too much away. ^.~ So there you have it, folks! Now think about it and give me your opinion!
- A reality/shounen ai (male x male affection) romantic story about a group of high school outcasts trying to battle their way through life while trying to find themselves. Or...
- A fantasy/action story about a war between parallel dimensions with demons, vampires, and psychics, oh my! Also with a healthy dose of romance. ^.~
Now if you would really like to ask me questions, give me advice, encouragement, put-downs (though hopefully not), or if you want to tell me your opinion directly, then send me an e-mail about it! Thanks again!
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